The Church of Archangel Michael
The Church of Archagel Michael is an early Christian church dating from the second half of the 6th century, situated outside Kato Episkopi, 7 km southwards of the Coastal village Kolimbari. This Church is one of the most important and oldest monuments of Crete from the early Christian period. The church of Archangel Michael is of great value, from both an architectural and an icon painting perspective. Architecturally, it is a periaptic rectangular building topped with a large cupola. The narthex lies at the west end of the church and then there is an atrium. The exterior of the cupola is formed by homocentric crowns evolving like steps. The mosaic floors, dating back to the 6th century, are decorated with motifs as fisch, ivy leaves and semi-circles. The wall decoration is well preserved. The Church Archangel Michael is an example of great icon painting craftsmanship and it is associated with the 2nd Byzantine period.
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